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Submission deadline: Monday, September 20, 2021

Notification: Monday, September 22, 2021


Workshop submissions should either:

  1. Describe preliminary or completed empirical work in the space of online health communities, or

  2. Present a provocative research agenda in line with the workshop goals of discussing membership, structure, and support in online health communities.


Some topics that are of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • What have we learned about the reasons people join OHCs and the kind of support members seek and provide to each other?

  • What are the underlying processes and consequences of collective sensemaking?

  • What are the different ways that OHCs are organized and manage membership and what are the consequences of their structures?

  • What are points of friction between members and the established medical community?

  • How is medical knowledge exchanged and generated within OHCs and what are the consequences of potential propagation of misinformation?

  • How is the COVID-19 pandemic shaping OHCs and what will the long-term consequences be on their purpose, structure, function, and relationship to the medical community? 


Workshop submissions should be no more than 3 pages (excluding references) in ACM’s template. Each submission will be reviewed by two members of the organizing committee and be given some light feedback. Please email submissions to

CSCW 2021 Workshop on the Future of Research on Online Health Communities: Discussing Membership, Structure, and Support.

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